Cookies on Immigration health surcharge

The Immigration health surcharge service puts small files (known as ‘cookies’) onto your computer to collect information about how you browse the site. Find out more about the cookies we use, what they’re for and when they expire.

Cookies that measure website use

We use Google Analytics cookies to measure how you use the Immigration health surcharge service.

These cookies collect information about:

  • how you got to these sites
  • the pages you visit and how long you spend on each page
  • what you click on while you're visiting these sites.

We do not allow Google to use or share the data about how you use these sites.

Name Purpose Expires
_ga These help us count how many people visit the Immigration health surcharge service and other government digital services by tracking if you’ve visited before 1 year
_gid These help us count how many people visit the Immigration health surcharge service and other government digital services by tracking if you’ve visited before 24 hours

Cookies that remember your settings

These cookies do things like remember your preferences and the choices you make. They contain no personal information and are not stored outside the browser.

Name Purpose Expires
set_cookie_prefs Remembers whether you have chosen a preference for Analytics cookies, and therefore do not need to see the banner 1 year
analytics_optin Remembers whether you have accepted Analytics cookies 90 days

Strictly necessary cookies

These cookies are essential to the service because they do things like remember your progress through a form and keep you logged in.

They always need to be on.

Name Purpose Expires
IKmtHqPESN Keeps you logged in When you log off
idsrv Makes sure the log in process is secure When you log off
ukvisa_sessionId Remembers your progress through the IHS forms When you log off
UKVisa_AntiForgery Protects against Cross-Site Request Forgery When you log off
SignInMessage Verifies that you have logged in properly When you log off
AWSALBCORS, AWSALB Helps stop our site crashing by spreading traffic across web servers 1 week
nlbi_, incap_ses_ Helps keep our site secure by spreading traffic across web servers When you log off
visid_incap_ Helps keep our site secure by spreading traffic across web servers 1 year

Your current settings


For more information, visit the GOV.UK Cookies page